U.S. Titanium Industry Inc

Šalis: JAV

Informacija kontaktams

U.S. Titanium Industry Inc
Adresas:: 816 W Foothill Blvd
Miestas: Monrovia
Pašto kodas: 91016
Telefonas: 1-2139051300
Tinklapis: http://www.usa-titanium.com


U.S. Titanium is a professional manufacturer and supplier located in the United States, who can provide products such as titanium & titanium alloy, zirconium, tantalum, niobium, hafnium and other high performance metals. U.S. Titanium's core products are titanium seamless or welding tube/pipe, tube sheet, explode titanium clad steel plate, titanium bar and rod etc. Hope we get a chance to work with you.
Great Price.
Great Quality.
Great Service.

Informacija atnaujinta: 2016-07-28 00:56:27