ZW CHINA Homocentric Limited is one of largest manufacturer of Garnet Sand,Steel Grit,Steel Shot and Glass Beads

Country: China

Contact information

ZW CHINA Homocentric Limited is one of largest manufacturer of Garnet Sand,Steel Grit,Steel Shot and Glass Beads
Address:: No.843,The Seven Jing Road, Huaiyin District
Town: shandong
Zip Code: 250000
Phone: 0086-531-87104670
Fax: 0086-531-87104670


ZW CHINA Homocentric Limited is one of largest manufacturer of Garnet Sand,Steel Grit,Steel Shot and Glass Beads,and we have many years experience of production and domestic sales.Our company decided to add exporting for expanded company business.

Information updated: 2016-07-03 06:57:21